
Welcome to the Create it REAL Developer Portal! Create it REAL developer portal is a one stop shop that provides an opportunity for innovation using Create it REAL's APIs to deliver innovative services such as Slicing as a service. This documentation is created to provide you all the information you need to connect to Create it REAL APIs. As you go through the documentation of the different endpoints, you may want to test how our API works and what you can get from it. We recommend you go ahead and read the following tutorials on how to test the APIs. You have three options:

  • You can use one of our Quick Start Github projects to bootstrap the development, all you need to do is change the app's credentials to your own and you'll be able to start slicing immediately.
  • You can start playing with the Sandbox to better understand what can be accomplished with each endpoint. To learn how to do that, check out this tutorial: Sandbox Tutorial
  • You can use the Postman API development tool to test it, here's a tutorial on how to do that: Postman tutorial

Enjoy Create it REAL's REALvision API.

Quick Demo

This page is a Quick Demo guide to get you started on using this API in less then 10 min.
At the moment, there are two demos in two different languages:

  • Nodejs
  • C#
Nevertheless, the two demos do the same thing.

They take an STL file (or multiple STL files) from a folder in the project called assets, calls the API to slice it online then stores the resulting Fcode or Gcode file in an other folder called downloads. As this demo is designed to get you started in a short time, it's not very detailed and you might not understand exactly what is going on, however:

  • If you need more information about the API we recommend you read the rest of the Documentation.
  • If you need more information about the demos, we recommend you head to: Demos.

Nodejs Quick DEMO

This is a Quick Demo on how to Slice a file Online using the REALvision Online API. This particular DEMO will be in NODE JS.
As this DEMO is designed to get you started in less then 10 minutes on online slicing, it lacks some details. For more details, please check the documentation:
Nodejs Demo Tutorial.

So, what we will be doing is, we will download a Github template project to get you started immediately.

  1. First things first, let's download the Github project. Head to the following Github Repository: REALvision API Nodejs Demo
  2. Click on the green Clone or Download button then click on Download ZIP.
  3. Extract the realvision_api folder from the ZIP to the Desktop and open it.
  4. Open a CLI(Command Line Interface) and type the following:
    cd C:\Users\{YOUR_USERNAME}\Desktop\Github quick startup
    This command goes inside the folder you just downloaded using its absolute path. (Make sure you use your own absolute path for the folder)
  5. Next, we'll install all the dependencies that the project will need. To do that, type:
    npm install
    Since we don't have many dependencies, this will be done in a few seconds depending on your internet connection speed.
  6. Now we're ready!
    Well, not really! :p There is one more important step, you need to give this project your Subscription Key so that it will be able to call our API securely. To do that, open the .env file in your favorite text editor, we will use Visual Studio Code
    Change the Subscription key value illustrated in the picture above to your own credentials.
  7. Now we are READY. We will be slicing one of the files that are available by default in the github project. It's called calicat.stl and it's in the assets folder.
    Once the program is done slicing the file, it will store the resulting fcode or gcode file in the downloads folder.
    All you need to do is type the following command in the CLI:
    npm test
  8. You'll see some logs in the CLI illustrating the progress of the slicing process. When it's done, it will exit on it's own.

C# Quick DEMO

This is a Quick Demo on how to Slice an STL file (or several ones) Online using the REALvision Online API. This particular DEMO will be in C#.
As this DEMO is designed to get you started in less then 10 minutes on online slicing and therefore lacks some details. For more details, please check the documentation:
C# Demo Tutorial

So, what we will be doing is, we will download a Github template project to get you started immediately.

  1. First things first, let's download the Github project. Head to the following Github Repository: Realvision Api C# Demo
  2. Click on the green Clone or Download button then click on Download ZIP.
  3. Extract the REALvision-Online-API-Demo-Csharp folder from the ZIP to the Desktop and open it.
  4. Now, we're ready!
    Well, not really! :p There is one more important step, you need to give this project your credentials : Your subscription Key. Otherwise, you'll get an "Access Denied" response from the API.
    In order to do that, head to the appsettings.json file and change the value to your own API Key and save the changes.

  5. Now we are READY. We will be slicing one of the files that are available by default in the github project. It's called calicat.stl and it's in the assets folder.
    Once the program is done slicing the file, it will store the resulting fcode or gcode file in the downloads folder.
  6. All you need to do is click on : Ctrl + F5 if you're using Visaul Studio, or execute the following commands in a CLI:
    cd "C:\Users\{YOUR_USERNAME}\Desktop\rvapi-demo-csharp\RealvisionClientApp" && dotnet run
    The command above is actually three commands, they tell the computer to navigate all the way to the RealvisionClientApp folder, build the application then run it.
  7. Eitherway, you'll see some logs in the CLI illustrating the progress of the slicing process. And if you check your Downloads folder you'll find the result Fcode file.

Congratulations, you just sliced a file ONLINE!!!


Documentation Conventions

Endpoints are described with an HTTP method and a path.

POST /GetActivationStatus

Prepend the REALvision API URL to the path to get the full endpoint URL. Example:


Square brackets, [], in the path indicate a placeholder value that you must replace. Example:

GET /Download?taskid=[taskId]
This API is a JSON Api, which means that the requests should have a Content-Type of application/json. It basically means that the body of the requests you send (Other then GET requests which don't have a body), must be raw JSON data. It also means that the response you get from this API will be in JSON.

Error codes & Responses

HTTP Code Description
200 OK Successful request.
400 BadRequest The request sent by the user is wrong in some way.
404 NotFound No elements found with the given information.
401 Access Denied Your credentials don’t allow you to access this information or have expired.
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error.

Sign up and login

To start developing with our APIs, you’ll need to sign up for a developer account. Here is what you do:

  1. Go to the Sign up page.
  2. Fill in your information and complete the captcha challenge then click on the blue Sign up button.
  3. Next, you'll automatically recieve a confirmation email so that we can verify your email. Please check your inbox and click on the confirmation link in the email you received.
  4. You'll be redirected to a page where you will re-enter your password and click on Sign up.
  5. Congratulations, you are now signed up and you can login in anytime using your email and password.

Request a Subscription Key

Now that you are signed up, you can login to the Developer portal at anytime using your email and password.

That being the case, the next step is to request a Subscription Key by following these steps:

  1. When you login to the developer portal, go to the Products page.
  2. Each Product contains a set of APIs. And you, as a developer, subscribe to a Product and not an API. That way, you can use one subscription key for several APIs in case you were given access to more then one api.
  3. Choose a product from the list.
  4. You'll be redirected to a page where you can see the APIs available in that product, that's also where you will be subscribing to one of our Products.
  5. Enter the name you'd like to give the subscription. You'll notice a blue Subscribe button to the right. Click on it.

Congratulations, you just subscribed to the REALvision Online product. However, you'll need the approval of the API team first before you could receive the Subscription Key and start calling the API.

Once your subscription request is approved, you will recieve an email notification with all the details needed to start consuming the API.

Obtain the Subscription Key

You're getting closer to finally getting a Subscription Key, the next steps assume you have been granted approval to use our APIs by the API Team. If you were granted approval, you will have received a notification email notifying you that your request has been accepted.

That being the case, the next step is to get a Subscription Key by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile page.
  2. You'll see information about you and your subscriptions. You'll see that the Subscription Key is hidden with "xxxxxxxxx ....". To see and copy the Subscription Key, click on show.

Congratulations, you now have a Subscription Key that you can use to consume our APIs.

What's next?

Now that you have an API key, you'll be able to consume our APIs freely, the currently available endpoints are:

  • POST /GetActivationStatus
  • POST /UploadFile
  • POST /StartSlicingTask
  • POST /GetProgress
  • POST /GetPrintingInformation
  • POST /CancelSlicing
  • GET /DownloadFile
You want more details ?
  • To read the documentation concerning each endpoint : API Endpoints
  • To start testing the endpoints online, head to: Sandbox

Getting Started

Here, you're going to learn how to quickly start Slicing STL files on the cloud which is the main functionality of the REALvision API v0.2. But before we start, you're going to need the following prerequesites:

API Basic Tutorials

This section includes :

  • Information on the several API calls to make in order to slice an STL file in an easy to understand interaction flow diagram.
  • Basic general information on how to make HTTP calls to an API. It includes examples that are relevant to the REALvision API.
If you're already familiar with one or both of the above information. Feel free to skip to the Quick Start.

REALvision API flow:

This API's main functionality is Slicing STL files. In other words, transforming STL files into an Fcode file that Create it REAL powered 3D printers can understand, or a Gcode file that most other printers can understand.

The whole process of doing that is illustrated in the following diagram:

General HTTP request information:

Generally speaking, when you make an API request, you specify 4 things:

  1. The HTTP Method:
    • GET
    • POST
    • PUT
    • DELETE
    • ....
  2. The API URL and the Endpoint(Resource) you're calling.



    In this case, the URL is
    and the resource is

  3. Parameters:

    Example: taskId in


  4. Authorization:

    Some APIs are secured and can't be called unless some type of Authorization to authenticate the caller is used. And to call a secured API, you need to include a Header called Authorization in the API request.

    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1N ... "

    There are several types of ways you can Authorize an HTTP request, the one used in the example above is called a Bearer Token and it's the one we'll be using for this API. Other types are :

    • No Auth
    • Bearer Token
    • Basic Auth (username and password)
    • Digest Auth
    • OAuth 1.0
    • OAuth 2.0
    • ...
  5. Headers:

    HTTP headers allow the client (Your application) and the server (The API) to pass additional information with the request or the response. They're usually used for Authentication and Caching purposes.
    The Authorization header illustrated in the example above is one of those Headers. In our case, we will be using both the Authorization header and our own custom header. Meaning that in order for you to call the API, you're going to include two Headers with the request.
    One of them will be called Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key and it's value will be the Subscription key you received from us:

    "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "761iioaziui212ac6a49fd91156ef469c"
    (To request a Subscription Key, follow this tutorial. ).

    And the other one will be the Authorization header and its value will be the token you will receive from our Authorization server:

    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCIsImtpZCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCJ9.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.KNhVo49IWyxOQDrLsLRZPkLOg61zYPHwOLZ8ApsSU1-eoVl16iL5JmW_k046zH4M8miB70zPhXSDZEPY_0z07L27AuZoXyGEMAuz4n5yFhYJqLYreseFYjkvOoCKtOPUiXnduk0jF4pwSLEh94DN8LmiIrNFM_rKog04tXp2RBj5X5Z02M_fY7JLNMWmm5lX4DGZslolYv0xiA10wyyhkzefezfzfhmhbiJ9B_e8I7v9hqsFOFevZRsNURWQCXhnkcuXzbGNvOu_b-jSdXdFhJNvLHMks0iyKa7B6LXedemhgGtKz3gBdT989S6Bmvk-q7He8aq_5SgtsjAlLro30QPnR2TbfQ"
  6. Body:

    When you make a POST request, you usually send data with the request. But where is that data included? It's included in the Body of the request.
    However, how do we specify the type of the data that we will be sending? It can be JSON, it can be form-data, it can even be a binary file!
    Well, we do that using a Header called Content-Type. A POST request is typically sent via an HTML form and results in a change on the server. In this case, the content type is selected by putting the adequate string in the enctype attribute of the form element or the formenctype attribute of the input or button elements:

    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded: the keys and values are encoded in key-value tuples separated by '&', with a '=' between the key and the value. Non-alphanumeric characters in both keys and values are percent encoded: this is the reason why this type is not suitable to use with binary data (use multipart/form-data instead)
    • multipart/form-data: each value is sent as a block of data ("body part"), with a user agent-defined delimiter ("boundary") separating each part. The keys are given in the Content-Disposition header of each part.
    • text/plain

API Clients

You can test our APIs with one of the following ways:

Quick Start

In this section, we'll learn how to execute the following API calling flow using one of the following three methods:

Sandbox Tutorial

  1. Login to your Developer account.
  2. Click on the APIs tab.

  3. Choose an api.

  4. We'll illustrate how to test one of the endpoints using the Sandbox.

    If you chose one of the APIs, you'll be able to see a list of the endpoints available in that particular API, click on the GetActivationStatus endpoint.

    You'll notice that each endpoint has it's own endpoint title, a button you can click to try that endpoint online and a section that has information about how you can formulate the request.
    And also a section that has information about how the response will be. If you click on the Try it button, you'll be able to see code samples in several programming languages for you to test with and an interface you can use to execute HTTP requests right there.

  5. Click on the Try it button.

  6. You'll notice that the Subscription key is already filled in for you. If it's not, then you might not have a Subscription Key yet, to ask for one, head to: Request Subscription Key .

    In case you're sending data with the request, the data is written in the "request body" field, which is not the case for now.

    You'll also notice that there is a field in which the raw HTTP request is written. Use it to check if there are any missing details.

    Now, all that's left is to just click the Send button and you'll get the following response.

Congratulations, you just made your first Successful request to our API.

Next, we'll learn how to execute the whole flow using Postman.

Postman tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to execute the slicing flow by using Postman. But what is Postman exactly?

Postman is an application for testing APIs. It provides a Graphical User Interface for sending HTTP requests to web servers and getting the response back.

To download Postman, head to their official page: Download Postman and download the version that's compatible with your Operating System (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Now that you've downloaded Postman, install it. Once you're done installing it and you launch Postman for the first time, it will prompt you to Sign in or Create a free account.
Feel free to do so, but it's not necessary in order to use the app. There is a faint phrase at the bottom saying: Skip signing in and take me straight to the app. For the purposes of this tutorial, signing in is not necessary, so we'll skip directly to the app.

Congrats, now we can start using Postman to test APIs.

Now it's time to start executing our Slicing flow:

  1. First, let's choose the POST method from the Dropdown list of the available methods.

  2. Then, let's input the link to the REALvision API :

    Input the link in the URL input field.
  3. If we take a look at the slicing flow illustrated in Quick Start. We'll see that the first call is

    POST /GetActivationStatus.

    Let's start with that one, append /GetActivationStatus to the URL.

  4. It's time to use that Subscription Key! Go to the Headers tab, and add the following header:

  5. This time, we're not sending anything in the body, so go ahead and click Send.

  6. Congratulations on your first successful request to the Realvision API. Make sure you include the API Key in all the following requests the same way we just did.

  7. Now that we verified that we have the right to use the slicing server, what's left is to upload an STL file to the server using the /UploadFile endpoint. The response will contain the fileid of the file you uploaded. We will use that fileid to start a slicing task later.

    When you click on Send. You'll receive a JSON object like this one :
    What's interesting for us right now is the fileid property inside the result property. It's the ID that identifies the STL file you just uploaded using the UploadFile endpoint. Note down that string, because we will be using it to start the slicing task.

  8. Now that we've uploaded the file we want to slice, what's left is to choose the configuration we want. For this tutorial, we chose the following configuration::

    • supportType: "n"
    • printerModel: "ideaWerk-Speed"
    • configPresetName: "Recommended"
    • configFile: ""

    But how do we tell the Slicing Server that that's the configuration we'd like to use for slicing the cubetest.rvwj file?

    We do so by:

    • First, changing the request URL from
    • Then, click on the Body tag. And add all the previous configuration in the body of the request. Don't forget to choose the body type: raw and change the Content-Type of the request to application/json.
      Also, make sure you specified the Subscription Key in the header in the Headers tab.

      The actual body of the request will contain a JSON object with the following properties:

      • fileName
      • fileId
      • supportType
      • configPresetName
      • printerModel
      • position:
        • X
        • Y
        • Z
      • rotation:
        • X
        • Y
        • Z
      • scale:
        • X
        • Y
        • Z

      The configFile is not required unless you want to use your own custom printing configuration.
      This is an example of how the body of the request will look like :

    • When you click on Send. You'll receive a JSON object like this one :
      What's interesting for us right now is the taskId property inside the result property. It's the ID that identifies the Slicing task you just started using the StartSlicingTask endpoint. Note down that string, because we will be using it to check the progress of the slicing task.

  9. Now that we have started a slicing task, let's check out it's progress. But how do we do that?

    We do so by calling the /GetProgress endpoint with the taskId
    that we got as a response to the POST /StartSlicingTask request.

    • First, let's change the URL link to :
    • Now, let's add the taskId we received from the previous request in the Body of the /GetProgress request:

    • When you click on Send, you'll get a response like this:
      The progress value will be between 0 and 1 illustrating the progress of the slicing task in percentage.

      If you keep calling it repeatedly, you'll notice that the response will be different each time until the slicing task finishes or fails.

  10. Now that the Slicing Server has finished slicing the file we sent it, it's time to get information about the slicing task.

    • Let's first change the URL to the following:


    • Next, let's go to the Body tab and add the taskId we received from the /StartSlicingTask request:

    • We'll get a response like this one :
      The response will contain data about the slicing task.
  11. We're almost there, you're at the final step of the slicing flow. It's time to Download the FCode or GCode file!

    And we do that by sending a GET request to the /DownloadFile endpoint with the taskId of the slicing task that we received as a response from the /StartSlicingTask request in the query parameters:

    • First, let's change the URL to:
    • Next, let's add the taskId in the Query Parameters of the request using the Params tab.
    • The only thing that's left is to click on Send & Download
Github Project - Nodejs Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to execute the slicing flow by using a Node Js app.

First, let's check if you've got Nodejs installed or not. Open a command line interface and type the following:

node --version
npm --version
If you've got nodejs installed, a version number will appear. Otherwise, the command line will just tell you that it doesn't recognize the command.
NPM is a node packet manager that comes pre-installed with Nodejs.

Next, let's downlaod the template project. Head to :

And download the project either by using the green Clone or download button and clicking on Download ZIP, or by using the following CLI command:
git clone https://github.com/createitreal/rvapi-demo-nodejs.git

Now, open the folder you just downloaded in your favorite editor (We'll be using VS code ).

What you need to do first is execute the following command inside the folder:

npm install
It will install all the dependencies that are necessary for this code to run. There are only a few, so it won't take much time.

You'll notice that a folder called node_modules appears. That's where all the dependencies are saved.

Head to the .env file and change the API Key.

For now, we'll use the default configs and slice the default cubetest.stl file.

There are two ways you can do that and they both involve using the command line interface. Make sure to cd into the github project and execute the following command:

npm slice

What that command will do is that it will execute the slicing flow automatically for you, slice the chosen file which in this case is cubetest.rvwj and store the resulting Gcode file in the downloads folder. You can do the same thing by using the following command:

node App.js
What that command does is that it simply executes the App.js file.

You'll see some logs coming up in the command line interface showing the progress of the slicing process. When it's finished you'll find a new file in the downloads folder.

Congratulations, you just sliced an STL file on the cloud.

Github Project - C# Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to execute the slicing flow by using a .NET Core Console app. Basically, we'll be coding in C#.

First, let's check if you've got .NET Core installed or not. Open a command line interface and type the following:

dotnet --version
dotnet --version
If you've got .NET installed, a version number will appear. Otherwise, the command line will just tell you that it doesn't recognize the command.
In this project, we will be using Visual Studio as it's the best IDE out there that's tailored to C# development.

Next, let's download the template project. Head to :

And download the project by using the green Clone or download button and clicking on Download ZIP.

Now, open the folder you just downloaded and open the REALvision Online DEMO.sln file using Visual Studio.

The Solution has two projects in it:

  • The RealvisionClientApp which we will use to test the library.
  • The library itself which we use to call the API.

Basically you've got two choices right now, either change the API Key in the appsettings.json and just execute the Console App and see magic happen, or continue reading and see HOW the magic is happening.

If you're using Visual Studio you only need to click on F5 and the code will start running. However, if you don't want to install a whole IDE just to execute this simple task, you can always use the CLI to do it.

You do that by first navigating to the console application folder from the CLI or Terminal by executing the following commaned:

cd C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\Desktop\democsharprvclient\rvwsapi-demo-csharp
Don't forget to use your own absolute path to that folder.

Next, you execute the following command to build then run the project:

dotnet run

Remember that you need a subscription key in order to use the API?

In order to specify the API Subscription Key, open the appsettings.json file and change the API Key value to your own API Key.

Let's test if you have access to the API or not. Build and execute the Program.cs file as it is right now and see if you get any errors.
If everything went smoothly, you'll see a reponse in your Command Line Interface (CLI).

Now that we know the API works, let's start Slicing files online!

First things first, we need to specify a few things to get started. We need to specify the files we want to slice and the configs to be used for each file. We do that in the stlFilesToSlice.json file.
The file is basically and JSON array of all all the files we want to slice, at the moment the array only contains one file. But we can give it more than that.
This feature comes in handy when you want to automate slicing several files with different configs.
So, each file is represented in a JSON object like this one:

Now, let's see if we can start a slicing task, build and execute the Program.cs file as it is above. If all went smoothly, you'll see a response in your CLI.

What you just did is: you started a Slicing task online. Once the slicing is done you'll be able to Download the FCode or GCode file. But how do we know if the slicing is done or if it's still running?
We do that by calling the GetProgress API endpoint.
When it returns : 1 that's when the Slicing is done. And that's when you can Download the file.

There is one more API endpoint that you can use to get information about the slicing process: /GetPrintingInformation. For now it returns the time it's going to take to print the file, the length of the filament it'll need and of course, its weight.

Now, if you execute the project, you'll see the response in your CLI.

Congratulations, you just sliced a file on the cloud.

Api endpoints


The REALvision Online API enables you to slice STL files online by using our Cloud Slicer. Thus saving yourself time and power by outsourcing the slicing procedure to a cloud server.

  • If you're not familiar with how to call an API, check: API Basic Tutorial.

  • In case you don't need a refresher on APIs and you can't wait to start slicing STL files, you can head directly to our Quick Start tutorial.

  • The API uses Subscription Keys to authenticate the requests.

Base URL

The Authentication API is served over HTTPS. All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base: https://realvisiononline.azure-api.net/v0.2

Code samples

For each endpoint you will find sample HTTP request snippets in the black box on the right.


You can test the endpoints using either the Sandbox or our preconfigured Postman collection:

Run in Postman

Or by using one of our Github Starter Projects.

If you're not sure how to use any of the above, head to our Quick Start Tutorials for a detailed tutorial on each of them.

Test with the Sandbox

The Sandbox is a platform you can use to test several endpoints of the Authentication API.

If it's the first time you use it and you're not sure how, head to the Sandbox Tutorial .

Test with Postman

If you are working with APIs, you are probably already familiar with Postman, a development tool that enables you to configure and run API requests.

We have preconfigured a collection that you can download:

Run in Postman

For more information on how to use Postman, refer to the Postman Tutorial .


When an error occurs, you will receive an error object. Most of these error objects contain an error code and an error description so that your applications can more efficiently identify the problem.

If you get a 4xx HTTP response code, then you can assume that there is a bad request from your end. In this case, check the Error Codes and Responses for more context.

5xx errors suggest a problem on our end, so in this case, you may use the Issues Page to tell us about the problem and we'll reply as soon as humanly possible.

REALvision API


POST /getactivationstatus http/1.1
host: realvisiononline.azure-api.net
ocp-apim-subscription-key: [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE]
content-type: application/json


Use this endpoint to check if the Online Slicer is active and ready to take slicing requests.

POST /GetActivationStatus

Test with the Sandbox: /GetActivationStatus

You can use our Sandbox to test this endpoint. In order to do so you need to be logged in and have a Subscription Key

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. We have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. Simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


POST /uploadfile HTTP/1.1
Host: https://realvisiononline.azure-api.net/v0.2
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: aedeae189......Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/C:/Users/[USER]/Desktop/stls/calicat.stl"


Use this endpoint to upload files to our servers that you can use later on in the slicing endpoint.

POST /UploadFile

Test with the Sandbox: /UploadFile

You can use our Sandbox to test this endpoint. In order to do so you need to be logged in and have a Subscription Key

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. We have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. Simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


POST /StartSlicingTask HTTP/1.1
Host: https://realvisiononline.azure-api.net/v0.2
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: aedeae189......
Content-Type: application/json



Starts a new slicing task using a fileid, which is the ID of the file you uploaded using the POST /Uploadfile endpoint. Not to forget a set of parameters like the config preset, support type and prnter model ...

POST /StartSlicingTask

Request Body Schema

Property Description
The filename of the file to be sliced. it must have a .stl extension.
The id of the file you uploaded using the POST /Uploadfile endpoint, it's the id of the file you want to slice.
you have three options with this parameter:
  • n : which means no support.
  • e : which means support everywhere
  • b : which means support on the build plate
The type of the printer you'll be using to print the file. (if preset is used)
DEPRECATED IN FAVOR OF "qualitypresetname"
The name of the preset you'll be using. you have the option of using your own configurations, if that's the case, leave this empty and send your custom configuration file to the server using the configFile parameter.
applicationpresetname the name of the application preset you'll be using. you have the option of using your own configurations, if that's the case, leave this empty and send your custom configuration file to the server using the configFile parameter.
machinepresetname The name of the Machine preset you'll be using. If unspecified it defaults to "Recommended". You have the option of using your own configurations, if that's the case, leave this empty and send your custom configuration file to the server using the configFile parameter.
filamentpresetname The name of the Filament preset you'll be using. If unspecified it defaults to "CREATECH_PLA". You have the option of using your own configurations, if that's the case, leave this empty and send your custom configuration file to the server using the configFile parameter.
qualitypresetname The name of the Quality preset you'll be using. If unspecified it defaults to "Recommended". You have the option of using your own configurations, if that's the case, leave this empty and send your custom configuration file to the server using the configFile parameter.
the position in the workspace of the STL file in cartesian coordinates
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
the scale of the object in the workspace of the STL file in cartesian coordinates
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
the rotation in the workspace of the STL file in cartesian coordinates
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
configfile Contains the following two properties:
  • FileName: the name of the file, it must have a .rvwj extension.
  • WsConfigs: the contents of the Workspace file you want to slice, it's in JSON.

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. we have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


POST /GetProgress HTTP/1.1
Host: realvisiononline.azure-api.net
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE]
Content-Type: application/json

POST /GetProgress

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
The taskid you got as a response to the StartSlicingTask request.

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. we have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


POST /cancelslicing http/1.1
host: realvisiononline.azure-api.net
ocp-apim-subscription-key: b2f8150965884e8d8be848467a00c4b9
Content-Type: application/json

POST /CancelSlicing

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
The taskid you got as a response to the StartSlicingTask request.

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. we have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


POST /getprintinginformation http/1.1
host: realvisiononline.azure-api.net
ocp-apim-subscription-key: b2f8150965884e8d8be848467a00c4b9
Content-Type: application/json

POST /getprintinginformation

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
The taskid you got as a response to the StartSlicingTask request.

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. we have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.


GET /DownloadFile?taskid=63b69fa8-dd47-41d3-b37a-5869036cd124 HTTP/1.1
Host: realvisiononline.azure-api.net
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE]

GET /downloadfile

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
The taskid you got as a response to the StartSlicingTask request. You add it as a query parameter in the link.

Test with Postman

You can test this endpoint using : Postman. we have a preconfigured collection that you can download and use. simply click the button below.

If the button doesn't work for you, download this collection and import it in Postman by clicking on the Import button on the top left corner: Download.